Guardian Journal

An adventeruous journey about overcoming obstacles and embracing personal growth.

Refining Vision


Divided between a million different directions. Having a legal and governance structure in place is important. So have, continued to refine the vision for what that looks like and how to ensure our group survives and grows and does not die with one founding family or person. Another challenge is deciding how much or how little we want to share with the world. Will we focus on word of mouth, and leave the website to focus only on the byproduct of what our community produces? Will we share our core binding principals? Are we all in agreement on what those principals are? These questions are big questions to answer, while also working on all the little things forementioned.

List of elements and focuses:

  • Organizing our vision and legal structure
  • Researching our land options (if any)
  • Accessing and developing our current skills.
  • Developing Yurt Carpentry skills
  • Designing portable off-grid systems designed to scale
  • Caring for families, maintaining mental health and wellness
  • Narrowing down the viability of the "Medusa Project" as well as the skillsets available to make the project a reality.
  • In search for a developmental editor, with potential candidates.
  • Building up the studio's physical location and software.