Guardian Journal

An adventeruous journey about overcoming obstacles and embracing personal growth.

Niche and Practicality


Currently focused on low-risk business concepts that align with our nonprofit goals, which can be used to fund our projects. Assessing our short-term goals and long-term goals, and learning what is feasible and reasonable to expect. Of our long-term goals, village care centers modeled afted Hogeweyk ("Hog vik's") dementia village in the Netherlands has been an important one, to make sure seniors of our monastic family members are well-provided for. Of our short-term goals developing our monastery both an income source and business sense to make these dreams a reality has been the priority. Market analysis and research. We have spent the past few years experimenting with different concepts, and are now returning to the drawing board to see what is possible for us. Developing carpentry skills, purchasing land are part of long-term goals. Creating cashflow is of importance.